Roaches can make your rental property less attractive and lower the ROI If it’s a vacant unit, it makes it less attractive and harder to rent.
It’s also a very common problem, according to the US Census Bureau, 14 million homes have reported seeing a roach infestation over a 12 month period.
Here is some data on likelihood of Roach Infestation versus No infestation based on these signs in the home.
It’s important to be proactive to prevent infestation, hHowever if you have an infestation, it’s critical to act fast to take care of it. You also need to consider the kind of pest control remedies you’re comfortable with: Do you prefer natural pest control remedies? Do you have pets? Does it have to be pet-safe? Do you want to work with a professional pest control firm, keeping in mind costs?
What are the Characteristics of American and German Cockroaches?
German and American Cockroaches are the two most common types and are the hardest to get rid of according to Orkin. American Cockroaches are ½ inch longer than German Cockroaches. Both types prefer warm and moist locations. The German variety tends to gather in Kitchen and Bathroom, while the American variety prefer basements, drains, and crawl spaces.
The German variety is most common and reproduces quickly. One of the main problems they cause is spreading bacteria wherever they travel.
What Can You Do To Prevent a Roach Infestation?
There are several steps to deal with this effectively:
- Regular monitoring to look for infestation
- Preventing infestation
Tenant and Property Manager Responsibilities
As a property manager, you should communicate with the tenant on their role and responsibilities and yours in monitoring, preventing, and dealing with infestation. Communicating this upfront will help start your relationship with the tenant on good footing.
1) Regular monitoring – establishing a regular schedule with your tenant for unit inspection, whether it’s weekly, monthly, or quarterly with an inspection form looking for infestation is great practice. Having property management software that includes event based calendaring that automatically setups tasks between your tenant and yourself can help automate this.
2) Preventing Infestation – Roaches are attracted to food sources, water, and dark warm hidden spaces. Incenting your tenant to keep things tidy, especially the kitchen counter should be clear of food debris and damp water. You should be proactive about fixing leaky water pipes. While vinegar doesn’t kill cockroaches, it’s a great repellant and great at preventing infestation.
Getting rid of an infestation, what are roach killer solutions?
How should we proactively deal with infestation? If there is a roach infestation, the tenant should notify you right away, and it should be dealt with immediately. The longer you wait, the harder it becomes to get rid of the infestation. You can try three different types of remedies:
- Natural home remedies
- Store bought chemical remedies
- Hiring a professional pest control firm
One other consideration in all this is that there are pets involved. You want it to be pet friendly.
1) Home remedies are very attractive since they are safer compared to chemical treatment. Baking soda, boric acid, and diatomaceous earth are the most common home remedies. The good thing is Diatomaceous earth is pet safe.
2) Store bought chemical methods are very effective, but its critical safety guidelines are followed if you have pets or children. Some common solutions are Advion cockroach gel bait, Combat roach killing bait, and glue traps. Please read the label carefully if you have pets and children; typically, don’t allow them in the space where you’re sprayed for at least 2 to 4 hours. Make sure anything you place to prevent roaches is not reachable by them if possible.
3) Professional pest control firms can be very effective. If you set up a regular schedule they can prevent an infestation from ever happening. They have access to commercial-grade solutions and treatments. According to Angie’s list, you can expect it to cost anywhere from $100 to $600.
Having a great relationship with your tenant is required so you can take a joint proactive approach to prevent infestation, such as regular monitoring, and a quick action plan to resolve an infestation is key.
You can lower your expenses and maximize your rent by creating a cockroach free environment for your tenant.
Frequently Asked Question on Roach Infestation
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- What smells do roaches hate?
Roaches dislike essential oils such as Tea Tree Oil, Eucalyptus Oil, Lavender Oil, Peppermint Oil, and Rosemary Oil. They also dislike some plants such as Rosemary, Mint, and Chrysanthemum. Some spices and fruit are also natural repellants, such as cinnamon, lemons, and oranges. So having these around could be a great way to discourage roaches.
- How long can roaches live without food?
Cockroaches can live for a month without food. So you should regularly clean your kitchen counter.
- How long can roaches live without water?
Cockroaches can live for up to 12 days without water. So making sure you have water drops in your kitchen and bathroom and fixing leaking faucets is key to preventing infestation.
- Will bleach kill roaches?
While you can drown a cockroach in bleach. It’s not the best solution since it’s harmful to humans and pets. There are more natural, safer solutions, like baking soda.