General FAQs
- How many rental properties does Property Management Software support?
- What features does offer?
- How much does cost?
- Can I export my data?
- I am a returning user and having trouble logging in
- How can I be assured my data will be kept private and is my data secure?
- What browser does support?
- Is there any training available if I need it?
- How do I make a payment?
Getting Started
- Attend a Webinar to learn more on how to use Property Management Software
Tracking Properties
- How many rental properties does Property Management Software support?
- How can I add property owner information to a property?
- Where can I generate the list of property owners and their properties?
- I am a property manager. How can I use Property Management Software to track properties for my clients?
- How can I edit the property owner name for my property?
Data Entry on the Worksheet
- What is a worksheet?
- How should I use the worksheet?
- How can I enter my transactions?
- How do I enter multiple transactions for the same expense or income row in a month?
- Why is Insurance and Taxes in the Loan Section?
- How can I enter a one-time transaction that is not on the worksheet?
- How can I delete my transaction?
- How can I enter date for a transaction?
- How can I add notes to a transaction? Where do these notes show up?
- How can I attach receipts/documents to my transactions?
- How can I split a transaction?
- Why can’t I split an income transaction?
- What is “Adding Recurring Rules” do?
- How do I cancel a rule?
- How do I track utility amounts to be collected from tenant that are paid by me?
- How do I not show Late fee collected from tenant,on the Owner Report?
Tracking Rents on Worksheet
- How does Property Management Software track my rent payments received?
- How do I enter overdue rent?
- What are all these “Allocate” windows all about?
- Will Property Management Software tell me my tenant is overdue?
- How do I enter partial rent payments that I receive?
- What happens to allocations when rules are entered?
- How do I edit the rent transaction amount after it has been allocated?
- How do I edit the rent allocations that were done for me by Property Management Software after the fact?
- How do I see how much the tenant owes me?
- How can I forgive an overdue rent payment?
- How do I record late fees?
- Why aren’t my rent transactions showing up on the Tenant Rent Allocation report?
- What happens when I un-allocate a rent amount?
- How do I enter a rent transaction for rent I collected early?
- How do I enter rent transaction for the initial month of a lease that starts mid-month?
Working With the Worksheet
- How do I create rows on the worksheet?
- If I don’t need a row anymore, how do I hide it on the worksheet?
- How do I delete a row on the worksheet?
- How do I change the year or month on the worksheet?
- How does the “search bar” work in Property Management Software?
Generating Reports
- How can I generate an income and expense/cash flow report for a month?
- How do I generate a rent roll report for my properties?
- Is there a report that shows me how much a particular tenant owes me?
- How do I print my reports?
- As a property manager, how can I send individual tenant reports to the property owner?
- Will the payment history report reflect all the rent collected from the beginning of the lease?
- How can I generate an income and expense/cash flow report for a specific time interval?
- How can I give my CPA a tax report?
- How do I do year end adjustments for accurate mortgage interest, insurance and property tax reporting?
- How can I generate the payment history report for a tenant who has moved out?
- As a property manager, how can I brand my reports?
- I am a property manager. Do you have a report that I should send to my Property Owner Clients to let them know about the monthly statement?
- How can I generate Vendor Balance Reports?
- How do I setup a place for Tenants/Owners/Vendors to login to see their information?
- What kind of information can be published there?
- How can I unpublish a document?
- What kind of scanned attachments can be shown and for what documents?
- Can I keep track of maintenance requests, building maintenance and work orders?
- Can tenant initiate maintenance requests from their portal?
- Can I create Recurring tasks for regularly scheduled activities?
- Can I create work orders that record expenses and vendor payments once task is closed?
Tenant Screening
- If I want to setup advanced tenant screening, what is required in office visit?
- How much does a tenant screening cost?
User Permissions
- How do I setup additional user emails with access to my account?
- What kind of permission setting configuration is allowed?
Managing Tenant and Lease Agreement Information
- Where do I enter a lease for my tenant(s)?
- How do I move out or delete a tenant?
- How do I track security deposits?
- How do I delete a tenant row?
- How can I add notes to my lease terms? Where do these notes show up?
- How do I view my lease terms?
- How do I edit my lease terms?
- How do I get rid of a bad lease that was setup?
- How do I handle rent increases for a tenant without losing transactions that were recorded under an old lease?
- How do I track multiple tenants residing in the same unit?
- How can I enter my old tenants’ lease transactions, and continue to enter new tenant information for someone who moved into the same unit?
- How can I automate or print rent reminders for my tenants?
- How can I print my monthly rent reminder(s)?
- How can I view all the rent reminders for my tenant(s)?
- How is the Billing history different from the payment history report?
- How can I add new tenants to my properties?
- Why can’t I assign a new tenant to a unit?
- How can I move back in a tenant that I moved out by mistake?
- How do I send a late rent notice to my tenant, which shows the late fee(s) due?
Online Rent Payment
- Can I choose which unit/tenant to enable for Online Rent Payment?
- Can I use Property Management Software without Online Rent Payment?
- Why should I use Online Rent Payment?
- Why should my tenant setup Online Rent Payment?
- Does my Property Management Software Online Rent Payment subscription include a place where my tenants can sign in?
- How do I setup Online Rent Payment for my tenant?
- What does my tenant need to sign up to pay rent online?
- Once a tenant’s rent payment is withdrawn, will I be notified?
- How much time does it take to receive rents through Property Management Software?
- What happens if the rent is not withdrawn in time or when the tenant does not have enough money in their bank account?
- How much does Online Rent Payment really cost? Are there any hidden fees?
- How do I know my rental payments will be transferred to the correct account?
- Can I change the bank account that the rental payments are going in to?
- If all my tenants pay via Online Rent-Payment, will I never have to record rents again?
- How do I record a rent payment collected when there are insufficient funds in my tenant’s bank account?
- Why do I see a pending state
even after I verify my bank account? What am I doing wrong?
- Will I be notified when the tenant is setup and ready for Online Rent Payment?
- Can I setup rent reminders for my tenant with online rent payment?
- How does allocation of rent payments work with Online Rent Payment?
- Why does Online Rent Payment get suspended
when I edit the tenant’s lease terms?
- Why do I see Online Rent Payment suspended
for a tenant?
- Why can’t I delete my tenant row on the worksheet?
- What happens if my tenant cancels Online Rent Payment?
- What happens if I decide to cancel Online Rent Payment for my tenant? Will I lose the recorded rent amounts? How will I know the money transfer discontinued?
- How can I refund a rent payment?
- Can I skip/Resume an Auto payment?
- Can I stop Auto rent payment?
- Can I make a One time Payment using’s Online Rent Payment option?
- Can the tenant pay the Online Rent Payment charges?
- How can I pay a specific amount only one time?
- Can tenants pay online rent via Credit Card?
Upgrading to Premium
- What features does Property Management Software offer?
- How much does Property Management Software cost?
Your Account Settings
- How can I edit my contact information?
- How can I change the email address where I receive all my SimplifyEm.communications?
- Where do I change my password?
- How do I change my login email ID?
Managing Property Owners
- What is the owner page for?
- How can I add the owner’s information to a property?
- Where can I generate a list of property owners and their properties?
- I am a property manager. How can I use Property Management Software to track properties for my clients?
- How can I edit the property owner’s name/info?
- How is an Owner’s beginning balance recorded?
- How do I record an Owner Draw or Owner Contribution?
- How can I edit an Owner Draw or Owner Contribution?
- I am a property manager. Do you have a monthly statement that I can send to my Property Owner Clients?
Managing Vendors
- What is the vendor page for?
- Do I have to use the vendor page?
- How can I add vendor information in Property Management Software?
- How is a Vendor’s opening balance recorded?
- How can I generate a list of all my vendors and their contact information?
- I pay my vendors at the same time that I input my expenses in Property Management Software, do you handle that?
- How do I know how much I owe to each vendor?
- How do I map my existing expense transactions to vendors I just added?
- How can I generate Vendor Balance Reports?
Managing Banks
- What is the Banking Center for?
- Do I have to use the Banking Center?
- How can I add Banking Information?
- How do I map transactions, owners and vendors to Bank Accounts?
- How do I take rental income and owner contributions and turn them into bank deposits?
- How do I look at my bank balance(s)?
- How do I see a record of all my undeposited income amounts?
- How do I setup check printing?
- Can I make some owner and vendor payment printable checks by default?
- How does create Automatic PM fees for you?
- How does create Automatic Late fees for you?
- How can you Automate sending of Rent Receipt?